Integrated BMS
Many buildings install Building Management Systems (BMS) to monitor their mechanical and electrical equipment, such as lighting, security systems, fire systems, power systems, ventilation and more.
This computer-based control system not only saves time and money during maintenance, but also helps in saving energy consumption.
We offer the following Integrated Building Management Systems:
- Building Automation
- Lighting and Curtain Control
- Access Control System
- Monitoring System
- Fire Alarms
- Burglar Alarms
- Access Control
- Camera Surveillance
- Fire Alarming System
- Intruder Alarms
We connect all systems to a Central Service Center, using remote access through a standard interface and provide maintenance & security services.
Why BMS?
Integrated BMS from Seam Risk Solutions offer an array of benefits including:
- Help in Planning Operations
- Assess Performance
- Simplify Operations
- Improve Efficiency
- Protect Assets
- Save Energy
- Enhance Safety
- Improve Building Comfort
- Save Time
- Computerized Maintenance Scheduling
- Early Detection of Problems
- Reduce Capital and Operating Expenditures
Our noteworthy enhancements include:
- Scalable licensing model – for lower first cost of ownership and expansion
- Increased system size – now greater than 180,000 points –an unparalleled scale
- Alarm management with single line alarm processing and greater queue size – for enhanced operator productivity
- Microsoft Reporting Services provide faster and more flexible reports – for better decision support
- Honeywell Temaline access control available for use with fs90amc, star II and pcsc access control packages – for access control flexibility
- Access control download times are 10 times faster with unlimited access levels per cardholder – for greater productivity
- Advanced Cardholder Management System with Visitor management option – providing a leveraged investment
- Faster, firewall-friendly HMIWeb browser – for remote access and improved productivity
- BACnet support of backup/restore service, BACnet schedules, algorithmic alarming, redundancy and support of latest bacnet 2004 standards – open system providing more choices
- Trends up to 32 inputs tracked with single trend view, trends with events view, and trends with numeric history view – for enhanced productivity
- Remote software update service supports MS and EBI updates with latest security policies – It-friendly and secure.